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​Hip Joint Integration

Hip joints need to be integrated into whole body movement.And hip motion occurs guided by trunk and foot motion based on orientation to the external focus.We need to integrate hip joint to full body and purpose of movement task.

(60 pages text& 30min movie)

​Text: English

Movie: English subtitle


​Pelvic Floor-Assessment & Exercise Progression

The shape of the pelvis is rapidly changing due to lifestyle changes What are the effects of these changes on the function of pelvic floor?


About the relationship of pelvic floor tissue structure and function to gait and breathing, and its assessment and exercise progression.


​PDF (60pages)



The origins of respiration

The origins of foot structure and function in terms of evolution and comparative anatomy and various exercises to restore flexibility and stiffness to the foot.


​PDF (60pages)



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通过比较解剖学揭示 _cc781905-5cde-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_the Essence of  Core 肌肉功能。核心肌肉和筋膜连接,它们的功能和起源。





・腹横肌创造的吊床结构/ internal 斜肌/外斜肌 







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